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spawning ground中文是什么意思

用"spawning ground"造句"spawning ground"怎么读"spawning ground" in a sentence


  • 产卵场


  • Manchester is a spawning ground for cutting - edge music
  • Spawning ground of nemipterus bathybius in northern continental shelf waters of south china sea
  • The reasons of small resource are 1st , the fish eggs is lack of sticky and most spawning ground is not comfortable for spawning ; 2nd , the fish matures about 5 years old and fecundity is in low level on absolute or relative eggs amount ; 3rd , the shape is easier for catching with tall width and thin body
    黑龙江鲂资源量少的原因为:黑龙江鲂为产弱黏性卵的鱼类,对产卵场的要求较高。黑龙江鲂的性成熟年龄较大( 5龄) ,而且无论是绝对怀卵量还是相对怀卵量都较低,因此生殖力较低。黑龙江鲂由于体形高而侧扁,极易被捕捞。
  • In this paper , zooplankton communities , their species composition and indicator species in the east china sea and the yellow sea were examined with multivariate methods . in the southern part of the yellow sea , where was known as an important spawning ground of anchovy , the seasonal variations of zooplankton were studied in details with respect to species composition , abundance , biomass and vertical distribution . furthermore zooplankton indication of the yellow sea warm current ( yswc ) in winter was discussed
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